The Difference about talking about Coca-Cola and having the recipe
The Difference about talking about Coca-Cola and having the recipe
We can talk hours and years about holons, like - after tasting a new mystic beverage "Nolohs"- we can talk and discuss for hours what type of basic materials were used, and which flavors and ingredients were added. Hundred people will have hundred different ideas because the taste sensation of everyone is different. However the brewer knows. He has the recipe. Before making his new beverage the brewer had the engineering concept of how the new beverage could be made.
The difference between talking about Coca-Cola and having the recipe of Coca-Cola is on transcendent level. It's the difference between assumption and knowledge. Theories versus engineering. It's the difference between words and technical design.
So it's time to bring the holon concept to a higher level. And then, from an engineering understanding, analyze where it brings us.
The prime essence in looking to holons is not: What do holons do, or What type of holons exists, ... no, the real question is: How are holons made?
So my open question to Ken Wilber is: Mr. Wilber, how holons are made?
And, Mr. Wilber, what about the energetic design of holons? How do holons exchange energy (information)? How vibrations are mediated in holons and holarchy, and how is that energy stored?
If you can't wait for Mr. Wilber's answers, you can check my website mu6, and start with the first holon page

By a very simple action one part of this membrane can penetrate another part of the membrane.

Thus holons are still membrane, but are locally re-structured membrane.
These holons are SUB-SETS of the Whole.
The movements of the membrane (the Whole) will cause effects in the holons, and the effects in the holons will cause feedback effects in the whole.
You can see holons like capacitors in electronics, where energy is stored for a certain time, and then given released under certain conditions.

This topological approach of holons is confirmed by mathematics. Once we have holons we can build up complex structures and hierarchies of holons, where each level of holons can combine/couple also with the original membrane. Everywhere on the membrane such complex structures can grow and they can inter-combine.
On this webpage

Some characteristics of topological holons:
- Topological holons are made of dynamic and elastic membrane, thus represent STRESS.
- Topological holons are EMPTY because they only consist of layers of membrane (the layers, nothing else make a holon). Sunyata.
- Topological holons are FORM (structure).
- Topological holons represent a specific frequency, because the layers are interacting with each other, like in a bell the clapper hits the cup, or the cup hits the clapper. Proper frequency means: Pratitya-samutpada (Karmatic Wheel)
- Topological holons can combine to more complex holons, depending of the conditions. Less complex level will have ANATTA related to the more complex combinations like we humans.
- Topological holons can create between their layers new sub-holons (Children, storage of specific vibrations = memory).
- Topological holons and their sub-holons can be harmonic and/or disharmonic, depending of how their membranes are interacting with each other.
- Topological holons interact with each other by direct contact or by vibrations emitted over the membrane(s), since all holons are made of the same single membrane.
If you read well you will find in this little list above the essentials of Buddhism. It's all logical and causal, nothing mystical or mythical.
When Buddha said: "Reduce Stress" (The cessation of stress) he meant to de-couple disharmonic sub-holons in your proper holon. The de-coupling of disharmonic sub-holons can happen by specific vibrations, such as mantra's, prayer, making mandala's, physical exercises like yoga, etc. or by tuning in on the deep membrane(s), thus by different kinds of meditation. All these way's of tuning can de-stress and de-couple disharmonic holons, and make free their energies to be repositioned in the way you want.
You - as a person, being a holon and being a sub-set of the Whole - can make easily and consciously contact with the deepest layers in yourself, which are part of the Whole.
To understand the fundamentals of Buddhism you don't need to know the Four Quadrants of Wilber, because that's analytic theory. Nicely formulated but not essential.
You just need to understand the fundamental concept of how energy is causally transformed and converted in holons and holarchy, and how they can de-couple (decay). It's all about exchange and storage of energy.
Finally, I want to state that this topological approach of holons - which emanate from a fundamental background - is the first logic system that might explain a God or a Logos, and the interconnectivity with it's members (sub-sets).
Traditional holon theory:
Koestler came up with the intellectual concept of holons. Koestler holons are a causal concept of connectivity, hierarchy and system integrity. A nice concept: A holon may be defined as 'one part within a larger whole that is itself also a whole containing smaller parts' -- a self-organizing phenomenon observed in all areas of life.
Some links on Holons:
1. Some 25 years ago, Arthur Koestler proposed the word "holon". It is a combination from the Greek holos = whole, with the suffix on which, as in proton or neutron, suggests a particle or part.
2. Holarchy is a word coined by Arthur Koestler. It is a combination between the Greek word 'holos' meaning whole and the word 'hierarchy'. It is a hierarchically organized structure of units or entities that are called 'Holons'.
Each Holon could be regarded as either a whole or as a part depending on how one looks at it. A Holon will look as a whole to those parts beneath it in the hierarchy, but it will look as a part to the wholes above it. So, a Holarchy is then a whole that is also a structure of parts that are in themselves wholes.
3. Arthur Koestler: "Parts and wholes in an absolute sense do not exist anywhere. The living organism and the body social are not assemblies of elementary bits; they are multi-levelled, hierarchically organised systems of sub-wholes containing sub-wholes of a lower order, like Chinese boxes. These sub-wholes - or "holons", as I have proposed to call them - are Janus-faced entities which display both the independent properties of wholes and the dependent properties of parts. Each holon must preserve and assert its autonomy, other wise the organism would lose its articulation and dissolve into an amorphous mass - but at the same time the holon must remain subordinate to the demands of the (existing or evolving) whole."
So, Koestler's concept is related to interconnectivity of energies, fundamental causality and hierarchy, but even to philosophy and religion.
4. Ken Wilber added some interesting extra's on Koestlers idea. Some of them sound however artificial.
Wilber, like Koestler, analyses holons only on the abstract level.
Of course you can google for more.
Labels: anatta, buddhism, holon, holons, karma, Ken Wilber, Koestler, membrane, sunyata
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