Holons and Matter
A central enigma in Physics is the concept of Mass; another is Attraction (Gravity, inter-stress). My view is that both concepts are another name for the same.
The topological approach of holons is in essence non-commutative geometry, where the only postulate is that the background is indestructible and dynamic.
That dynamic background – a singularity called the Membrane or Mother - has the potency to create children or sub-sets which will be specific geometric manifestations, called holons. Holons are then specific structures (baskets, bells) made out of parts of the indestructible membrane. Due to the indestructible unity between holons and the membrane the dynamics of the membrane cause kinetic manifestations between the layers of each holon; which may create in a holon new sub-holons.
The motion in holons leads, in example to: Electricity, magnetism, strong and weak radiation, gravity, stress, love, memory, … these all are different names for the inter-layer actions in holons.
Through holons the membrane manifests itself in geometric and kinetic way.
Thus having a holon structure implicates that there is incorporated holon dynamics. They go together. A holon – being a multi-layered membrane structure – will always vibrate, have a proper frequency.
Every holon, be it a mental construct, a deity, a fundamental particle, a photon, an electron, a neutron, a proton, an atom, a molecule, a person, an object, will always have it’s own structure and frequency (or set of sub-frequencies).
But holons are sub-sets of the indestructible membrane and thus always connected by the membrane with other holons. This means that holons can exchange energies with each other, and are always – directly or indirectly - in relationship(s) with each other. That is what the fundamental interconnectivity is about.
The quality and quantity of this exchange of energies depends of many parameters. Here various factors will play like: position on the membrane, motion together with the brane, density of holon clusters, the holon structure and it’s sub-holons, etc. Some holons will be open for exchange, thus dialogue and openness, where other holons will refuse or repulse exchange (disharmonic).
The layer-structure in holons decides if and how we can observe them. When holons have a higher number of layers we will consider them to be “matter”. Next image shows this.

The upper left frame shows four layers of a food folio on each other. This 4-layer-set is transparent en still very flexible. Below on the right is shown a set with 56 layers on top of each other. This 56-layer-set has now a “silver color” and is not very flexible anymore. Interesting is the “weight”. My measuring scale has a threshold of 1 gram. The 4-layer-set gives nothing, just like the 8-layer-set. No weight, because their weight is less than 1 gram. The 56-layer-set measures 6 grams, and the 32-set 3 grams!
In physics the 4-set and 8-set doesn’t exist, only the 32-set and the 56-set are “real”. Because they can be observed, they can be measured. However we know now that also below the threshold (in Physics: the Planck scale) real holons exist, even if they cannot be observed.
This simple experiment makes us understand also that holons – which are composed only of layers of membrane(s) - can make physical “objects” and phenomena, and are able to “cause” effects (like influencing the weight scale) and events.
The scientific terms Weight and Mass are - in the holon view - related to the number of membrane layers holons have and how the layers are structured, or how strong or complex the curvature or enveloping of the membrane (spacetime) happened.
The engineering concept of topological holons solves the dichotomy between the Einstein model of relativity and the Quantum model. Topological holons are structural quantum baskets – having proper frequencies and thus automatically representing in-formation (having a value, a proper given name) and behaving sometime in unpredictable ways due to hidden variables, but the concept to come to topological holons is based on the enfolding and unfolding of the indestructible background that can be called the Tathagata Womb or the Cosmic Egg, the Mother or the Membrane.
What concerns me is that some Buddhists try to find the answers of the fundamental interconnectivity in the Quantum physics. Like in the Pied Piper of Hamelin they run behind materialists promoting as the crucial realities: Statistics, Probabilities and Uncertainty. These concepts however are highly contradictory to the principle of the fundamental interdependent causality (Pratitya-samutpada).
Labels: cosmic egg, indestructible, layers, mass and weight, non-commutative, Pratitya-samutpada
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